
Stewie and Brian of ‘Family Guy’ tackle your coronavirus questions with new podcast

Spending too much time with family lately? Take a break and spend a few minutes with “Family Guy” instead.

Show co-creator Seth Macfarlane on Wednesday posted a “podcast” by “Family Guy” stars Stewie and Brian where the baby and the dog riff on all things coronavirus, from social-distancing tips to chit-chat about playing board games to pass the time to breathless commentary about Katy Perry’s pregnancy.

OK, that last one has nothing to do with weathering the coronavirus pandemic, but it’s lovely news, yes? Stewie and Brian certainly think so.


“OK, we have played Trivial Pursuit until we have memorized every clue; we have played Candyland; we have played Sorry! —That’s how bored we are, we played Sorry! — so what’s left to do during a quarantine but make a podcast,” declares Stewie, who like Brian is voiced by Macfarlane.

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A line drawing of the characters wearing masks and sitting at microphones serves as their portrait as podcast hosts.

(Listen to the “podcast” here, and fair warning: This is “Family Guy,” and, freed of broadcast TV rules, the guys drop an F-bomb near the end.)


Stewie explains to Brian that podcasting isn’t hard at all! Podcasters simply talk about the news of the day.

So yeah, that’d be coronavirus. And “way pregnant” Katy Perry.

They offer toilet paper tips for people who might find themselves empty-handed.

“If you own a tie, you have toilet papers,” Stewie says helpfully.

“I would recommend scooting your ass on the lawn,” adds Brian. (Remember: He’s a dog.)

Other options: house cat or the neighbor’s mail.

A psychotherapist says human beings naturally exert control over what they can in a crisis. Buying loads of toilet paper fulfills that.

Stewie later reveals that Sephora is among the businesses sending him coronavirus-targeted emails. Brian is shocked.


“You think this face is an accident?,” Stewie chides his cohort before they both tangentially wonder why a company like Lee Jeans would have a stance on coronavirus.

They were, however, both pleased by the 6-foot social-distancing messages they allegedly received from Stanley tape measures, dubbing it fine branding.

And, Brian wonders, what would Stewie tell those listeners who are scared?

“I’d say that’s a nasty question and you’re a terrible reporter,” he replies.

All in all, the clip is about 1,000% more appealing than, say, that ill-received all-star “Imagine” singalong.

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