
Rita Milaw Lawrence; Designer, Civic Leader, UCLA Booster

Rita Milaw Lawrence, 80, contemporary design executive, civic leader and UCLA benefactor. A graduate of UCLA, Lawrence was founder and president of a contemporary furniture company, Architectural Pottery / Architectural Fiberglass and Group Artec. Her quarter-century with the organization earned her the National Home Furnishing League’s Trailblazer Award in 1956 and the UCLA Professional Achievement Award in 1972. Lawrence served on boards of the university support groups UCLA Foundation, Chancellors Associates, Gold Shield and Royce 270 and was active in the UCLA Humanities Council, Friends of English and the Dean’s Council of its School of Architecture and Urban Planning. She worked on special projects for her alma mater, including the Gold Shield Literacy Project, the Medical School and Hospital Arts Project and Design for Sharing. Elsewhere in Los Angeles, Lawrence served on boards for the Institute of International Education, the mayor’s Task Force on African/Los Angeles Relations, Intercultural Women and the Los Angeles Sister Cities Program. She was on the boards for the Folk Art Museum, California Design, Action for a Better Los Angeles and Los Angeles Beautiful. On Friday in Los Angeles.

Lord Terence Thornton Lewin; Ex-British Defense Chief

Lord Terence Thornton Lewin, 78, British defense chief who masterminded victory in the Falklands Islands war. Lewin, who as military commander was a key member of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s Falklands War Cabinet, persuaded Thatcher to order the sinking of the Argentine cruiser Belgrano during the 1982 conflict. More than 300 Argentine sailors died. About 1,000 people were killed during the war. Lewin, who had a distinguished record as a young officer in World War II, was the head of the Royal Navy from 1977 to 1979, and then became Britain’s overall military chief. He was given the title of lord when he retired after the Falklands victory. On Saturday in Suffolk, England, of stomach cancer.
