
Letters: One young man’s principled battle

Re “Catholic teen risks wrath of church,” Dec. 4

What wonderful parents Shana and Doug Cihak must be to have raised such a thoughtful, intelligent son. Lennon Cihak took the time to carefully consider a proposed state constitutional amendment on same-sex marriage and reach a reasoned conclusion. Then he tried to influence voters. He is exactly the type of (future) voter we need in our democracy.

Congratulations, Lennon! Welcome to the world of thinking adults. I look forward to seeing your name as a newly elected member of Congress in the future.


Judith Fenton

Costa Mesa

Lennon was denied confirmation by his church after he posted a photo on Facebook showing his opposition to a ban on same-sex marriage. As a practicing Roman Catholic, I am astonished to learn that a particular model of marriage is foundational to being a Catholic.

We recite the Nicene Creed every Sunday, which states the basic beliefs held by Catholics. No mention is made of marriage.

According to some in the hierarchy, “faith” has come to mean agreement with the hierarchy.

Doris Isolini Nelson

Los Angeles


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