
Letters: Immigration starts with jobs

Re “Why a border surge?,” Opinion, June 26

Robert C. Bonner’s suggestions that it would be better and cheaper to boost immigration enforcement by targeting employers is absolutely on target.

Most illegal immigrants in the U.S. came here to get a job. If corporate executives knew they would face severe punishments if they employed illegal immigrants, the word would quickly come down to all not to take any chances when hiring.


Perhaps this would result in somewhat higher prices for fruits and vegetables, but we would be saving billions on border security, healthcare, public education and more.

How can we get Congress to take note?

Jim Meyer


If Congress really wanted to cut off the employment magnet, it would have been accomplished long ago.

Since 1986, employers have been required to verify the identity and employment eligibility of each new hire. Employers must keep on file a form attesting to said verification.


But there are loopholes, and enforcement is lax. Employers are not required to submit the documentation of eligibility to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

In my experience, the feds have rarely audited to see if employer files are in compliance.

Maitland Alexander



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Letters: Immigration starts with jobs


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