
Letters: The ridge road not taken

Re “Ridge Route group’s rough go,” Jan. 13

This article on the historic Ridge Route’s continued closure by the U.S. Forest Service illuminates still another bloated, dysfunctional federal bureaucracy that cannot get anything worthwhile accomplished. The many dedicated professionals at the working level are bogged down by excessive levels of authority, which will not or cannot make any meaningful decisions.

The solution is downsizing every federal and state department at the top and empowering those who really care and know what should be done, while streamlining and simplifying the regulations and procedures.


John McMahon


Kudos to the Ridge Route Preservation Organization.

Let’s hope the Forest Service gets totally on board with opening this vital link between Castaic and State Route 138. Caltrans and the motoring public have much to gain, as any expense involved would be recouped by providing an alternate route when Interstate 5 gets blocked by a Sigalert.

David Rizzo



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