
Letters: A level playing field for gay athletes

Wade Davis says it should be safer for gay athletes to be open about their sexuality.
(Anthony Russo / For The Times)

Re “On the field and in the closet,” Opinion, Jan. 13

How sad that there is a movement afoot, as Wade Davis writes, to “make it safer for athletes to be open about their sexuality” — which means, of course, their homosexuality.

I fail to understand why athletes need to feel threatened about this issue. One’s ability to play the sport should be the only criterion. Heterosexuals are not asked to declare their sexual orientation; why should any gay athlete feel pressured to come out?


I long for the day when sexual orientation is no longer an issue. In this age of education and increasing tolerance, there is no rational excuse for ignorance or judgmental attitudes.

Rebecca S. Hertsgaard

Palm Desert


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