
Those Eligible for Coupons Must File Claims by March 17

From Associated Press

Many Mexican immigrants are eligible for modest refunds as a result of settlements in a pair of class-action suits against three money-transfer companies. Here’s a look at the process for making claims in those cases:

Over the next month, claim forms will be mailed to people who wired money from the United States to Mexico between about 1987 and 1999 using Viad Corp.’s MoneyGram Payment Systems Inc. or First Data Corp. subsidiaries Western Union Financial Services Inc. or Orlandi Valuta.

The forms are meant to verify people’s transactions and allow them to pick their choice of two $4.25 coupons or one $6 coupon for each transaction between November 1993 and 1999. For transfers that happened before that, they can receive one coupon for every 10 transactions.


People are being asked to sign the claim form -- written in English and Spanish -- and send it back to the settlement administrator. Class members who have questions or want to report a change of address can call (888) 285-3607.

The settlement administrator has company records naming people who conducted wire transfers during that period. But anyone who doesn’t receive a claim form can call the toll-free number.

The deadline to return claim forms is March 17. The coupons will be mailed out in May.
