
Taxes: No Good Time

* We Americans are like a deer caught in the headlights: We are mesmerized. We are mesmerized by having a “surplus” and can’t wait to have Washington spend it for us. This without thinking that maybe, just maybe, this wonderful economy might one day turn around and put us back into recession.

We have been there before. And invariably, the word from Washington has always been, “Well, we can’t afford a tax cut now--we’re in the middle of a recession, for cryin’ out loud!” And we buy into it, even though right now, all (including Alan Greenspan) are saying that a tax cut would overheat the economy. Well, if a tax cut juices up the economy, it would seem like a recession would be the best time to reduce taxes.

What Washington is really saying and we have bought hook, line and sinker is that there is no “good” time for reducing taxes.



Huntington Beach
