
Costs of Medical Miracles

Former Colorado Gov. Richard Lamm still doesn’t get it and now he is on a college campus subjecting students to his Darwinian theories. In his article “Medical Miracles Have Faustian Trade-Off” (Commentary, Feb. 23) he says simplistically, “Health care is a fiscal black hole that can absorb all our children’s resources.”

He claims, “We have invented more health care than we can afford to deliver to everyone.” He reiterates his old theme of old people using up the resources at the expense of the young, “Because . . . we all must die of something, almost every ‘success’ ends up costing us more health-care dollars and usually more Social Security dollars.”

My father died on this 50th birthday from heart disease that is treatable today because of medical miracles. I was deprived of his love and wise counsel as a teen-ager.


If today’s technical advancement in health care is producing nothing but a technical perspective on human life then it is Lamm and his Faustian followers who must change.


Solona Beach
