
From the Archives: Kids sell lemonade for the Times Camp Fund

May 20, 1954: Wendy Earl, left, and Barbara Zeman, both 11, set up lemonade stand and raised $6.55 for the Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Fund.
May 20, 1954: Wendy Earl, left, and Barbara Zeman, both 11, set up lemonade stand and raised $6.55 for the Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Fund.
(Jack Gaunt / Los Angeles Times)

The May 23, 1954, caption identified the girls, left to right, as Wendy Earl, Barbara Zeman, Betty Alexander, 11; Barbara Powrie, 11. The boy to right of stand, is Martin Capune, 11. The boy with his foot on curb is Richard Siegel, 6. On a bicycle is Eric Stromberger, no age given.

The caption added that the, “Boy at left rear is unidentified but his happy grin indicates that he must have a nickel.”

A story in the May 23, 1954, Los Angeles Times reported:

Many Southland youngsters have been doing their bit to build up the Times Summer Camp Fund–little boys and girls who send in their piggy-bank savings to help some other child enjoy a needed week at camp. …


Occasionally there is a project involved, like the boys and girls on Ontario Ave. in Pasadena who set up the traditional lemonade stand last week and did a flourishing business. They sent the whole, $6.55–every cent they collected–to the fund. …

Inaugurated with a $10,000 gift from Los Angeles Times Charities, Inc., the fund had grown to $16,872.55 by Friday. Generous public contributions are urged to built it to a point where it can bring health-giving camp outings to thousands of youngsters in the area who otherwise would be denied them. …

In 1954, the Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Fund raised over $25,000 and sent more than 2,000 youths to a week long summer camp.


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