
Las Vegas: Cosmopolitan installs original artwork inside new Starbucks

If you want to enjoy contemporary art while sipping on a latte, Las Vegas’ newest Starbucks can oblige.

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas now boasts a coffee house with the latest creation by French artist and photographer Georges Rousse. The hotel-casino is known for making art part of the resort experience, like its elaborate chandelier on three levels that houses bars inside beaded curtains of light.


Rousse’s multicolored panels form portions of the walls and ceiling at the Starbucks that opened March 14 on the casino floor near the Las Vegas Boulevard entrance.

For decades, Rousse has displayed his artwork and photography in exhibitions worldwide. However, the unnamed Las Vegas installation is the first piece of art he has created for permanent public display.


“For me, a circle is a shape in motion,” Rousse told an interviewer when the work was being incorporated into the architecture. “All of the points have the same distance from the center. Therefore, there is some sort of perfection in form.”

The Starbucks is open 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily and until 10 p.m. on weekends.

While many visitors are sure to snap photos with their cellphones, Rousse prefers a vintage Kodak Brownie camera to capture his images.

Now 68 years old, Rousse received the camera as a Christmas present when he was 9 years old. To this day, it remains his constant companion.


Info: The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas


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