
Mailbag: It takes time for a park to become great

I would like to respond to David Hansen’s column “Nearly 15 years and still not so great” (Sept. 11).

First, let’s compare New York City’s Central Park to the Orange County Great Park.

It has been about 15 years since Measure W was passed. A great park takes a long time to develop. New York’s Central Park has taken centuries to develop. The Orange County Great Park is in its infancy.

During these 15 years, a lot has gone on. We have gone through the Great Recession and one of the longest droughts on record. This has caused a slowdown, if not a standstill, in funding, human power, resources, energy, interest, ability and the overall wherewithal to continue to develop this wonderful resource for many to enjoy.


People need to be patient. It will happen. It will take time, energy, intellect, resources and an unending commitment. We must remember that the world, as well as our country and our local community, have changed greatly since this park was originally approved.

I suggest that we may still be negotiating our way out of the Great Recession. This will, no doubt, make the progress of the park slower, day by day, week after week, month after month, year after year, and possibly, decade upon decade.

Let’s not lose what will, if we stand strong as a people, become one of the world’s greatest parks.

A great park takes a great commitment. Don’t lose it.

Steven Marion

Huntington Beach
