
NAC dominates SoCal Challenge Cup

The Newport Aquatic Center varsity boys completed a record-setting day at the Southern California Cup Challenge regatta that was held at Marine Stadium in Long Beach last weekend.

The NAC varsity boys won every single sweep-oared event and finished first and second in the varsity 8+ category.

In the points competition, they helped the NAC team win the Men’s Cal Cup by the largest margin ever and the Overall Trophy for the third year in a row.


The NAC novice boys also dominated the field, winning eight out of the nine events that were held.

“I can say that this was clearly the most dominant performance I have ever seen at a regatta and was a great confidence builder heading into some of our toughest races,” NAC Coach Marcel Stiffey said in an email. “After such an exciting and successful weekend, the varsity and novice boys are looking forward to squaring off against perennial rivals Marin and Oakland Strokes at the San Diego Crew Classic.”

The San Diego Crew Classic is next week.

The NAC varsity 8 lineup features coxswain Zach Casler, stroke David Zachry, Simon Dillon, Evan Krum, Will Warwick, Jack Sclafani, Angus Batstone, Trevor Phillips and Spencer Ewanick.

— From staff reports
