
Mailbag: Including ‘God’ is a matter of collective will

Exercising my freedom of speech as a American, I can say that removing the word God from our Pledge of Allegiance or desecrating our flag as freedom of expression are not constitutional rights.

That the will of an atheistic minority be imposed upon the individual is contrary to the First Amendment. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” does not mean no religion but rather the freedom of religion by the individual — who collectively constitutes the majority of Americans.

I believe in the fourth verse of our “Star-Spangled Banner,” which includes “and this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust.’”


We individuals collectively insist upon our freedom of choice. We choose “In God is our trust” regardless of how each individual chooses to observe, or not observe, God. That is freedom. That is why we are the land of the free. It is why we are the home of the brave.

I also believe in the last words of “America the Beautiful,” “and crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.”

Bill Roberts

Huntington Beach
