
Letters to the Editor: Concerns about parking, pedestrian safety persist in Laguna

As frustrating as parking can be, and as our transit management in Laguna Beach can hardly be accused of competent community service, let me share a few ideas:

1. The signal light at the art school in the canyon is causing a nuisance and severe traffic backup. There is no reason to have this signal configured as it is. All disabled parking could be moved to the school side of the roadway, which is a lot safer than crossing the canyon. Then all other parking patrons and students could be routed with an over-the-top pedestrian bridge.

2. The Act V lot should be a three-story structure. And in the meantime, why not post an announcement in the local papers advising merchants of the deadline to apply for seasonal employee permits.


3. The bench in front of the library, home to a group of homeless, makes an unsanitary place for our kids and citizens. Since the police are unable to crack down on such loitering, why not remove the bench and install narrow seats, nice enough for seating, but impossible for sleeping?

Ken Denton

Laguna Beach

Homeless are camped along the riverbed

I am a 30-year homeowner in Fountain Valley, and my home is situated right on the Santa Ana River bed. I have an immediate and growing concern for my safety because the county is not acting quickly enough to remove the homeless people from our immediate area.

I feel the public has no idea as to how close these encampments and homeless invasions are to private property. I am posting my photo of the situation on Facebook and through the Fountain Valley Magazine page as well.

Pamela Tansey

Fountain Valley

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