
Mailbag: Grand jury report gets it wrong on JWA

Those of us who are affected by John Wayne Airport’s noise and air pollution thank Supervisor John Moorlach for his recent critical comments regarding an Orange County Grand Jury report on the facility.

Moorlach rightfully stated, in the Orange County Register, that the idea of extending a runway in a heavily populated area showed “a naivete that is almost eye-rolling.”

Moorlach is absolutely correct. The grand jury report advocated ways for airport expansion, while ignoring the thousands of residents who endure excessive noise and pollution from an airport that should never have been designated for commercial use. It’s exceedingly close to homes, schools and parks, some mere blocks from a runway, making the airport dangerous as well as overly intrusive.


Why did the grand jury report ignore published scientific reports that detail the harmful effects of noise and air pollution on a population? Planes overhead emit dangerous chemicals, including particulates, which have proven to be particularly harmful to health.

Worse yet, they travel many miles through the air, infecting unsuspecting people far from the original source. Everyone should seriously question a report that excluded the harmful effects of John Wayne Airport on people while advocating ideas for expansion.

Bonnie O’Neil

Newport Beach


Light up parks other than Fairview

I read the letter of Aug. 8 from Paul Kuhn, Newport Beach resident, advising that grassy fields be put in Fairview Park for sports (“Mailbag: How about a compromise for Fairview Park?”).

I also read that John Rubright of AYSO Region 120 spoke in favor of athletic fields in Fairview Park (“No decision on sports fields for Fairview Park, amid community controversy,” Aug. 7).

I oppose putting sports fields in Fairview Park, but I favor lighting more of the existing fields. In fact, when I spoke with Rubright, he stated that he wanted lighted fields throughout the city.

Everyone needs to know that we need lighted fields in Costa Mesa. Teams haven’t been turned away for lack of field space. I expect Mayor Pro Tem Steve Mensinger and Councilwoman Sandra Genis, the council representatives on the Fairview Park Advisory Committee, to take the need for lighted fields to the City Council. The council needs to work with neighborhoods to fulfill this need, not proclaim that a field will be lighted, only to renege after neighbors complain.

Fairview Park is not like Fountain Valley’s Mile Square Park, where archery, sports and picnicking can co-exist. Fairview Park is a nature preserve, an ancient burial ground and significant archaeological site.

Furthermore, the City Council needs to proceed with the purchase of the Fairview Developmental Center. The site could accommodate several permanently lighted fields and permanent, affordable housing — all tangible help for residents of Costa Mesa.

Margaret Mooney

Costa Mesa
