
From the Boathouse: Another awareness week on the water


National Safe Boating Week has finished and another pre-summer awareness week begins on Sunday for boaters and avid fishermen. Can you guess which one? Let me remind you about National Fishing and Boating Week from June 1 to 8.

The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation promotes this week for those who enjoy the waterways to introduce someone new to boating, fishing or both. This is an event with activities planned across the nation, including fishing derbies, regattas, demonstrations and much more. You can find out what events are happening in other states — sadly there are none listed in California — by logging onto

Also, the event reminds everyone about the states’ free fishing days, and California’s are July 5 and Sept. 6. Every year, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife offers two free fishing days when you can fish without having to have a sport-fishing license. It’s a perfect time to introduce a friend to fishing, and keep in mind that at other times of the year, you and your friends can buy a one- or two-day sport-fishing license. You can find complete information at


Tip of the week is to remember as you begin boating this season that you cannot approach within 100 yards of any Navy or military vessel. If you must pass within 100 yards, contact the naval vessel or the escort vessel if near or inside a harbor with your VHF marine band radio on channel 16.

When you are within 500 yards of any naval vessel, you must operate at minimum speed and obey any directions given by the commanding officer or any escort vessel. Recreational boaters can help with homeland security by following these simple regulations.

Lastly, what is my prediction for the boating weather on this last day of May and the first day of June? I think that we will have similar coastal weather as last weekend, with the sun shining by the early afternoons.

The daytime afternoon air temperatures will remain in the high 60s and low 70s, with nighttime temperatures dipping into the high 50s. You can expect cloudy mornings along with patchy fog along the coast.

Those venturing outside the harbors will have great cruising seas with a small mixed set. The two-foot south swell continues, and the westerly swell will have dropped to two feet. The wind waves will be one foot as the afternoon winds are going to be under 10 knots.

This will be a good weekend for your season’s shakedown ocean cruise or a visit to Santa Catalina Island. Those cruising in the harbors will have perfect conditions, but do not get sunburned before summer begins on my birthday, June 21.

Are you planning to relocate your boat around Point Conception this weekend? Then you might want to wait and see if next weekend has better conditions at the Point. I am predicting six- to eight-foot seas with up to three-foot wind waves in the afternoons. The winds will gust to 20 knots with sustained winds averaging 15 knots.

Oh, and do not forget about the fog rolling in for your travels in the wee hours in the morning when you want to be rounding the point.

As always, just keep an eye to the weather for any changes. Please be boat smart and boat safe. Lastly, please boat responsibly and look behind you before you turn the wheel at the helm.

Tune in to the No. 1 boating radio talk show in the nation, “Boathouse Radio Show,” broadcasting live coast-to-coast on the CRN Digital Talk Radio syndicated network. See times at, and

Safe voyages!

MIKE WHITEHEAD is a boating columnist for the Daily Pilot. Send marine-related thoughts and story suggestions to [email protected] or go to
