
Mailbag: Restaurant should not be allowed alterations

Balzac wrote, “Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.”

Since opening as a family steakhouse almost a decade ago, Mozambique has pushed the envelope at every turn when it comes to city code compliance.

Woods Cove residents have watched incredulously as Mozambique, once viewed as a pesky fly, has mutated and become super-sized. As witnessed by its latest request to open up nearly 2,000 square feet of existing space and construct more than a dozen gray steel car lifts at the restaurant entrance, Mozambique’s rapacious cravings appear insatiable.


This fly has grown out of control, and it’s not in the community’s interest to continue to feed it. Municipal ordinances and codes exist to serve the public good.

Randy Lewis

Laguna Beach


It’s time for term limits in Laguna

Across the country, those aspiring to get into politics and those who want to stay in politics pull out all the stops and political battles escalate. Our small town is no different, it seems.

I would like to suggest to the City Council and residents of our town that we put into place term limits of, say, three terms for City Council members.

During term one, the new member would learn the ropes and create effective teamwork. Second term, if re-elected, the member could gather momentum to make positive changes in how the city is run to keep up with the times (such as banning plastic bags) and review and revise existing ordinances that are not effective (view preservation). The last term could be used to finish any items left on the person’s agenda to fulfill his or her vision and provide a graceful exit.

This might stop some of the cronyism, nepotism and any other “isms.”

Ganka Brown

Laguna Beach


Re: “Iseman should bow out gracefully,” Forum, Sept. 5:

Why should incumbent Toni Iseman exit the race for City Council? So that the residents of the city would lose someone interested in protecting quality of life? A representative who listens to the constituents and does not put business profit above every thing else?

Let the voters decide.

Mike Nazemi

Laguna Beach

