
The Crowd:

“The Love Boat” sailed into Orange County recently as the Age Well Senior Services celebrated its 10th anniversary Captain’s Ball. Actually, it wasn’t the real “Love Boat,” but rather an event theme recaptured from the first ball a decade ago. Organizers such as gala Chairs Ed Schrum, Debra Alves and Jacqueline Carlson billed the party “Return of the Love Boat,” ultimately raising $125,000 in support of O.C. senior services. Age Well, formerly known as South County Senior Services, provides Adult Day Care, Meals on Wheels, Senior Transportation, and Health and Wellness Counseling to local seniors.

The evening unfolded at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Monarch Beach, emceed by the philanthropic Ed Arnold and supported by distinguished guests, including Marilyn Ditty, Steve Moyer, Bart Asner, Ruth May, Marion Levine, Bob Stegner, Jean Reinhardt, Gemma Heffernan and a large contingent of dedicated staff from Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian.

The Newport-Mesa crowd joined guests from around Southern California for a marvelous concert tribute to the late Stan Kenton, a former celebrity citizen of the California Riviera. Chapman University hosted the Stan Kenton Alumni Band, led by Mike Vax and under the program supervision of O.C. musical legend William Hall, long-standing Chapman dean in charge of the performing arts. Kenton’s widow, the beautiful Jo Ann Kenton of Newport Beach, welcomed the enthusiastic gathering. It included a large attendance of Chapman students who had the chance to spend a “master class” working with the band as well as opening the concert in Chapman’s Memorial Hall.

Local patrons in support of the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum joined forces last week for a very special reception at the Balboa residence of Terri and Doug Pasquale. The occasion marked the launch of Lighthouse Circle, a new support wing of the museum dedicated to raising much needed capital funding for facility expansion. A cocktail and dinner reception in the bayfront Pasquale residence attracted enthusiastic locals supporting the nautical museum in historic Balboa Village. The museum displays the Richard and Betty Steele Model Pavilion, a favorite destination for nautical buffs of all backgrounds and ages. In addition, the museum is the official home of the Transpacific Yacht Race, and it maintains full historic records and memorabilia display.


Lexus, Newport Beach, once again opened its doors for a midweek bash benefiting the Friends of Dorothy Guild. The St. Patty’s Day friend-raiser on behalf of AIDS Services Foundations of Orange County was chaired by Barbara Venezia with support from Steve Bond, Guy Babusek, Tim Stoaks and Tim Dunn. Dinner was provided by Carolyn Stoaks delighting the crowd with her culinary magic.

Spotted in the crowd were Bunny Clark, Keith Coplen, Dean Jones, Patti Gordon, Joey Crabtree, Pat Kennedy, Casey Lesher, Stan Tkaczyk, Renee West and Ty Rose. Since its founding in 2007, the guild has raised more than $310,000 for local AIDS services in the county. Very impressive for a small, yet dedicated crew with a difficult task.

They are calling it “Touchdown in Hawaii.” The USC Alumni Assn. is coordinating with Pleasant Holidays offering island travel packages for the Sept. 2 USC-University of Hawaii football game in Aloha Stadium. Travel packages with air for a four-night vacation in paradise start at $1,049 per person. Everything is planned including pep rallies, tailgate parties and more. For more information, call (888) 996-6698.

Neiman Marcus, Fashion Island, pulled out all the stops recently welcoming Blake Mycoskie, chief shoe giver for TOMS Shoes. Organizers led by Neiman’s Michaele Hall and Fernanda Brady created a major event in Neiman’s Children’s World, turning the department into a children’s fantasy land complete with games, toys, balloons, rides, food and over-the-top glee. It was all about commerce meeting charity head-on. TOMS Shoes announced the launch of a new line called “Tiny TOMS,” made exclusively for N.M. TOMS donates a pair of shoes to a needy child for every pair sold to a more fortunate child. Now that’s quite a concept.

THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays.
