
The Coastal Gardener:

Proteas are one of the most ancient families of flowers on Earth. Greek mythology says these plants were named in honor of Proteus, son of Poseidon.

Proteus was a powerful sea god who had the power to know all things — past, present and future. But Proteus was a defiant god and preferred to nap.

To deter those who sought his wisdom, he would change his shape at will, taking on varied and mysterious forms.


Because they too present themselves in an astounding variety of shapes, sizes, colors and textures, protea plants have long been regarded as mysterious and near mythical plants in local gardens — until quite recently.

The protea family of plants comes from the Mediterranean regions of South Africa and Western Australia, primarily from areas of poor soils, low fertility and aridity.

There are few places in the world with a climate that can cultivate these exceptional plants; fortunately coastal California is one of them.

Pincushion proteas (or Leucospermum) may be the most recognized of the group. The symmetrical, spidery flowers are quite eye-catching, but are more often seen in flower arrangements than in gardens. Individual flowers often fetch $10 each at florists. Usually in shades of orange, but also in yellow and red, pincushion proteas are in full bloom in local gardens.

Leucadendrons may be the most underused member of the protea family of plants.

Growing from 3 to 8 feet, Leucadendrons are spectacular foliage plants and might be the workhouse group of the family. Vigorous shrubs, many offer stunning foliage in shade of fiery red, canary yellow, gold or wine.

The genus protea (a specific group of plants within the larger protea family) is also sometimes seen as cut flowers. These flowers, usually pink, have some of the largest flowers of any garden plants, often up to 6 inches in diameter and length.

Banksias are perhaps the least seen in gardens of the four protea groups mentioned here, but have great usefulness. Most species of Banksia bloom at least six months of the year and at least one species, Banksia integrifolia, blooms year round in Orange County.

All proteas are evergreen and pest-free and are suitable for gardens or containers, depending upon their size. They prune easily and incorporate well with Mediterranean and native plants.

Because proteas are native to Mediterranean climates they are well suited to Orange County. Most varieties struggle in inland valleys and deserts and have little hard frosts.

But, here in Orange County they are right at home. Proteas do have a few very special demands. If these demands are met, they will thrive for years with little attention once established.

Most important is quick drainage. Wherever you can grow an avocado, you can grow a protea, but don’t waste your time or money in wet, sticky clay. Proteas prefer a slightly acid soil, but this varies among species and those mentioned here are reasonably tolerant of our neutral or slightly alkaline soils.

A soil well conditioned with acidic planting mix prior to planting and maintained with a thick acidic top mulch should suffice.

Proteas have evolved to grow and thrive in extremely nutrient poor soils; soils that are especially deficient in phosphorus. When growing proteas it is critical to not use fertilizer containing phosphorus. Often, even a single dose of an “all purpose” fertilizer will severely damage or even kill a protea.

Instead, very light feedings with cottonseed meal, sold at most nurseries, is a perfect diet for your proteas. If necessary, an occasional iron supplement may also be useful.

The first thing a protea does when planted in a garden is grow a tap root. Because of this these sun-loving plants are quite drought tolerant once established.

But a newly planted protea will need periodic irrigation during the first summer or two. Thereafter, they can nearly fend for themselves, with natural rainfall supplying most of their water needs.

Proteas are now in stock and most are in bloom in local nurseries. Like the Greek god they are named after, proteas will add mystery and magic to your local garden.

Ask Ron

Question: I’m looking for Iris douglasiana, one of our native species. Any suggestions?


Newport Beach

Answer: These are beginning to bloom now, and if you can’t find them, most nurseries should be able to order them for you. Douglas iris are very useful as no-maintenance plants in somewhat dry shade, even under large trees. Also, look for a group of iris called Pacific Coast hybrids. These are very similar, but are complex crosses of our native species. They offer a wider variety of colors and somewhat larger flowers.

ASK RON your toughest gardening questions, and the expert nursery staff at Roger’s Gardens will come up with an answer. Please include your name, phone number and city, and limit queries to 30 words or fewer. E-mail [email protected], or write to Plant Talk at Roger’s Gardens, 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road, Corona del Mar, CA 92625.

RON VANDERHOFF is the Nursery Manager at Roger’s Gardens, Corona del Mar.
