
Almost $40,000 spent to sell fair

The state Department of General Services has spent $38,541 out of pocket in trying to sell the Orange County Fairgrounds, department officials said. So far, however, the expenditure has borne no fruit.

The department and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rejected every bid that was offered to the cash-strapped state, including the highest bid of $56.5 million from Newport Beach-based Craig Realty Group.

The state had expected to draw offers of $96 million to $180 million on the fairgrounds.

The following is the breakdown of the cost:

Economists’ analysis — $14,203.07

Advertisement to sell the fairgrounds — $5,834.53

California Highway Patrol’s presence at the live auction — $1,003.40

Site Assessment — $17,500

None of the cost includes staff time. The cost associated with staff time is not available because the department does not track staff time, said Jeffrey Young, a department spokesman.


— Mona Shadia
