
The Crowd:

The 2009 Harvesters fashion show and luncheon raised an impressive $250,000 for the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County. That much money translates into meals for thousands of people. Chaired with purpose by Suzan PeakSuzan Peak, the daylong event attracted 300 patrons who made a discernible difference for O.C. citizens struggling to make ends meet.

The Island Hotel, Newport Beach was the setting for the high-spirited event that began with a morning champagne reception and silent auction underwritten by Cartier and represented by Caroline Jones of Cartier South Coast Plaza.

The annual fashion show followed, sponsored by South Coast Plaza and produced by Kathryn Glassmyer. Major international designers featured fall and holiday lines including Chanel, Christian Dior, Chloé, Fendi, Gucci, Marni, Cavalli, Oscar de la Renta, Versace, Yves St. Laurent, Balenciaga and Saks Fifth Avenue represented by Gretchen Pace.

Following tradition, the Harvesters gathered for lunch after the show, sampling the Island Hotel’s sea bass. A Cartier fashion show including informal modeling of fabulous jewelry added a touch of sparkle to the luncheon. Hostess gifts included a special treat for all those in attendance provided by Chanel.

Newport’s fiery redheaded theatrical producer Gloria Zigner announced auditions for the 2010 Children’s Hospital of Orange County Follies. Talent is requested to report to the Island Hotel from 2 to 4 p.m. Nov. 1 or from 6 to 9 p.m. Nov. 4 for an audition. Free valet parking will be provided to all talent. If you wish to audition for a solo part bring your music or a tape. A pianist will be available.


Zigner reminds us that all cast members must be at least 21 years old and that every cast member is required to raise a minimum of $1,000 in donations through sponsorships, ticket sales or program ad sales.

The 2010 CHOC Follies will be April 1 to 3 and the theme will be “The Wizard of OC … The madcap musical that takes you from La La Land to La La Laughter.” The 13th annual CHOC Follies will once again be presented at the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. For more information, contact Zigner at [email protected] or associate producer Lois Augustine at (714) 532-8690 or [email protected].

Have you planned your Halloween costume yet?

If you are looking for a wild haunted Halloween event consider supporting the AIDS Services Foundation of Orange County in their Haunted Halloween at Village Crean set for Saturday.

The party will be produced by The Friends of Dorothy Guild, chaired by Newport’s Barbara Venezia with support from Steve Bond, Guy Babusek, Tim Dunn and Tim Stoaks. The Halloween party will feature dinner, a costume contest, scary creature silent auction and of course the annual “Red Shoe Awards” in the spirit of Dorothy Gale and her ruby slippers. Newport-Mesa support for the event comes from Marilyn Brewer, Dolores Otting, Carolyn Carr, Emily Thompson, Loren Blackwood, Richard Moriarty, Nick St. Royal, and Lido’s Shauna and John Oyler. Tickets to the Halloween party are $85.

For reservations and more information go to [email protected].

THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays.
