
Homage to Bree and Lagunatics

Homage to Bree and Lagunatics

(Sung to the tune of -Tonight)

Last Night, last night

You had us left and right

With puns and spoofs all over the place!

The world was bright

Because you shed your light

On our issues and quirks with such grace.

Today, our world is full of Caltrans,

That damned “recovery” program,

But you helped pull us through.

So thanks to all,

Last night we had a break and a ball

Last Night.

(Second verse)

Tonight, tonight,

Just get online tonight

And order tickets now and post haste

Tonight, that’s right,

You only have four nights

Or you’ll blow it and that’s such a waste.

From parking maids to Michael’s Thriller,

And our own Phyllis Diller,

Grass, goats and so much more.

Pull out your card

And “charge it” for our Troupe and our Bard


(Lovingly and humbly dedicated to our own

favorite troupe, The Lagunatics!)

Joanne Sutch

Laguna Resident
