
CMHS supports Alumni at the ALS walk

Many family members for people that suffer from ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) came out to support the cause on Saturday for a 3 mile fundraising walk at UCI. One of the biggest and most extended families walking was those in support of Nancy Polisso. Diagnosed with ALS earlier this year, Nancy had the support not only of her immediate family, including sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews but that of her former High School- COSTA MESA HIGH SCHOOL.

Coming out to support an alumni were the cheerleaders and football team. Still pumped from their win of the Bell the night before, the cheerleaders and football players woke up early and came out to walk and show support to a member of their teams respected families. Nancy’s brother Bill Lux is a football coach at CMHS and is also an alumni himself. Nancy, a former cheerleader at CMHS had the support of the squad who also have ties to Nancy’s sister Joanne Krikorian ( a former cheerleader herself and a parent of an alumni cheerleader) and Ally Krikorian, her niece who was also on the squad in 2009, Ally took a break from her studies and training at the University of Maryland and flew in the night before to join in on the walk.

Also several students and Alumni joined in to show their support of this very special alumni and friend and to a family that has touched so many aspects of CMHS.
