
The Coastal Gardener:

Three weeks ago I wrote about a simple sprinkler conversion that was no harder than unscrewing a bottle cap and screwing another one back on. I was overwhelmed with the response.

Yes, people are listening. Yes, gardeners do want to conserve water.

I wrote about a simple change to our sprinkler heads that would not only conserve water, but might even improve the health of our plants. Nonetheless, in spite of the simplicity of this conversion, there are still people approaching me every day asking, “What was that new sprinkler thing you wrote about?” and “How do I change my sprinkler heads again?”

So here it is again, this time in pictures.

When you go shopping for MP Rotators, it is important to bring one of your old inserts with you. Depending upon the manufacturer of your sprinkler bodies, you might need male threads or female threads. No big deal, MP Rotators come either way; just bring one with you. MPs also come as strip sprays for parkways and other narrow spaces. And if your sprinklers are just on simple risers, with a pop-up, that’s fine too.


Finally, after installing MPs, be sure to adjust your irrigation timer to a longer duration, which compensates for MPs’ much slower rate of water flow. That’s it; you’re done. It’s one of the easiest things you can do to conserve precious garden water.

If you’re one of the hundreds of homeowners who converted to these little water conservation devices in the past three weeks — thank you. Perhaps now you can help your neighbor. While you’re at it, they might need help with their mayonnaise lids and salad dressing caps as well.

If you missed the first column on MP Rotators, you can read it at

Ask Ron

Question: It seems like no matter how often I water, I can’t seem to keep my hanging baskets from drying out, especially during this week’s hot weather. What can I do?


Newport Beach

Answer: One possible solution is to try the new self-watering hanging baskets that are now becoming available. These new containers have a reservoir in the base of the basket, under the soil, that holds a small supply of extra water. As the soil above dries out, capillary action pulls this extra reserve of water into the soil. Since these baskets are closed systems, they also don’t dribble onto the pavement below or contribute to runoff problems.

ASK RON your toughest gardening questions, and the expert nursery staff at Roger’s Gardens will come up with an answer. Please include your name, phone number and city, and limit queries to 30 words or fewer. E-mail [email protected], or write to Plant Talk at Roger’s Gardens, 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road, Corona del Mar, CA 92625.

RON VANDERHOFF is the Nursery Manager at Roger’s Gardens, Corona del Mar.
