
Pet Of the Week

There’ll be a fe-line around the block when the Community Animal Network showcases 14 kittens for adoption this weekend at Russo’s in Fashion Island.

The kitty-pa-looza will be from noon to 4 p.m. at the pet store in Newport Beach. If you can’t make it you can see pictures of the cats on the network’s website,

You can also meet the cats in the homes of their caregivers at the network. For more information, e-mail [email protected].

Network officials hope the black-and-white kitten Pepe will be adopted with his mother because they are especially close. You can get a discount if you adopt a mom and her kitten together.

Meanwhile, the network is struggling to pay its bills and there’s a need for basic supplies like pet food. If you can help, send checks to Community Animal Network, P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA., 92658 and memo your check “feed the kitties” nonprofit tax ID 33-0971560.

