
Check It Out:

Memorial Day weekend is the perfect time to break away from your usual routine and explore the great outdoors. You won’t have to travel far or spend much money to enjoy scenic parks and nature trails right here in Orange County.

Before you head outdoors, stop by the Newport Beach Public Library to pick up some of these savvy hiking and camping guides:

 “101 Essential Tips, Hiking,” by Hugh McManners. This handy pocket-sized book is packed with advice for novice hikers. Learn what to wear, what to take, how to use a compass, apply First Aid and other trekking basics. Tuck this into your backpack for instructions out on the trail.


 “Hiking and Backpacking: Outdoor Adventures,” edited by Marni Goldenberg and Bruce Martin. Both beginners and seasoned outdoor enthusiasts will find everything they need here to plan a hiking or backpacking trip. This resource was written in cooperation with the Wilderness Education Assn. to promote the responsible recreational use of backcountry and wilderness areas. It also has an extensive directory of up-to-date outdoor activity websites for additional research.

 “Afoot & Afield in Orange County,” by Jerry Schad. Eighty-seven of the best hikes in and around Orange County are outlined in this informative guide. Explore select parks and trails along the coast, the Santa Ana Mountains, the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve and other local hiking spots. Each description includes the distance, duration, difficulty, terrain, directions and best times of year to take the hike.

 “Orange County: A Day Hiker’s Guide,” by John McKinney. Hiking columnist John McKinney shares his favorite Orange County parks, beaches, canyons, forests, and mountaintop retreats. The summaries provide trail recommendations, historical facts, easy-to-follow maps and clear directions. There is also a bonus chapter, which features parks and preserves in Riverside County.

 “100 Classic Hikes in Southern California, by Allen Riedel. This book has more than 100 full-color photographs, maps and trail profiles of the most scenic hiking areas in the greater Southern California region. While the majority of hikes are in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial and San Diego counties, trails in Mammoth and Yosemite National Park are also listed. The trails-at-a glance chart is a handy reference that lists hikes by duration, from leisurely strolls to overnight treks.

 “50 Trail Runs in Southern California,” by Stan Swartz. Discover the best mountain and desert running trails near major metropolitan areas. Trail descriptions are divided geographically and include the Santa Ynez, Santa Monica, and San Gabriel Mountain ranges along with Joshua Tree National Monument, Orange County and San Diego County. Be sure to read the chapter on how to train and prepare for the rigors of this sport before you run any hiking trails.

 “San Bernardino Mountain Trails: 100 Hikes in Southern California,” by John W. Robinson. One hundred trails in the high, rugged San Bernardino and San Jacinto mountain ranges are featured. Hike profiles give the length, elevation gain or loss, difficulty and recommended season for each trip. This recently updated version also includes a GPS waypoints chart and a color fold-out hiking map. Hike over to the library today and plan your next outdoor adventure.

CHECK IT OUT is written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library.
