
In Theory

We have definitely ventured into a new era when women’s choice encompasses more than ever before. With octuplets and a 66-year-old women bearing children, it’s amazing and incredibly sad that we still have women of “child-bearing age” incapable of pregnancy.

This is certainly a question worth struggling over. While I do think it is important and necessary for doctors to lay out potential problems, I think that women have a right to choose what happens to their bodies. That being said, I hope that no woman goes into motherhood without considering how she can best parent (or designate parents for) her child to provide her baby with the best possible scenarios for a healthy, happy life. Personally, I would question the woman’s judgment, but I would not withhold her the right to bear the child if the doctor cleared her.

The Rev. Sarah Halverson

Fairview Community Church

Costa Mesa

Since my faith community gives significant leeway to parents in choosing the path to bearing children, I speak only from my personal feelings.


An expectant single mother at the age of 66 faces multiple challenges. Looking only at the facts, she is on the upside of a very tough mountain trail. There are far more concerns that lean toward the negative than the positive. It is not only our cultural standards that cause us concern for the child, but also the physical challenges that will be faced due to the mother’s age. What burdens will she be placing on this child and what safety net has this woman put into place should she not be able to care for and maintain a fully functional home for the next 18 years?

One might question whether her reasons for bearing a child at her age had more to do with her desires or what would be best for a new baby. While the elderly generally show extended patience, love and caring for a small grandchild, as they both age, the grandparent’s stamina and endurance diminishes while the child’s energy and needs increase.

Physically, the recovery time of a 66-year-old from delivery alone will be significantly longer than for a 30- or 40-year-old, and her physical challenges will be more stressful due to the emotional changes that will take place. And this is just during the first few months.

As the years continue, it will be difficult for the child to remain proud of the mother and stay emotionally close as peers pose complicated inquiries. Society questions actions that are not within an accepted matrix for good reason. Many of us have ventured out of the box in one form or another and have learned it is tough out there if we are traversing uncharted paths.

At the same time, children have often been raised successfully by grandparents. All children need to be wanted and loved. This is obviously a wanted child. Let’s pray that this woman has a good support community and her finances and business will allow her to spend the substantial time required to meet the child’s needs.

Tom Thorkelson

Director of Interfaith Relations for Orange County

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I can’t imagine a religion that would have a problem with this situation.

I have no ethical or moral grounds for disapproval. It isn’t a common practice, and — while it seems strange — has gained some momentum.

Besides, I’m 62 and I have yet to think of myself as old.

I know many grandparents in their 60s and 70s who are raising their children’s children. That’s why churches are the new extended family that serves and supports the growth and maturation of their congregations.

For information about our extended family, please go to and check us out.

Pastor Jim Turrell
