
Drug disposal box set up at police department

The city has installed a pharmaceutical drug disposal box in the lobby of the Huntington Beach Police Department, 2000 Main St., to prevent the negative environmental effects of flushed medications.

The pharmaceutical disposal program is being implemented so citizens can properly dispose of their old prescription medications, instead of placing them in the trash or flushing them down the toilet. Syringes are not accepted in the disposal box.

Improperly disposing of unused medications can harm others and the environment.

Medications that are flushed down the toilet are not completely removed by sewage treatment facilities. These medications can enter the soil, surface water and groundwater.


Research studies have shown that exposure to drugs found in waterways is having a serious impact on fish and other aquatic life, the city said.

The police department’s front lobby is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week.

For more information, contact Sgt. Guy Dove at (714) 536-5949.

— Candice Baker
