

With the 44th presidential inauguration just around the corner, many on both sides of the aisle seem to have an unrealistic view of what is ahead.

On one end sits those who did not vote for President-elect Barack Obama and believe he thinks he can fix the problems we are facing with a magic wand. This just isn’t so. Obama has said on many occasions that he knows the problems are complex and will not have any easy solutions.

On the other end sits those who voted for him and believe he is America’s messiah. These voters believed in Obama’s message of hope, but had selective hearing when he detailed the work ahead for voters, particularly regarding his environmental message. Obama’s plans for reducing America’s carbon footprint isn’t just at the federal level. He is calling on Americans to make practical changes in their everyday lives, such as switching out regular light bulbs for energy-efficient ones. National advancement requires individual action.


Granted, some who voted for Obama plan on doing their part and are still keeping up with his appointments and proposals. This editorial is singling out those who have stopped listening and believe our next president can do no wrong. These “Obamatrons,” as they have been called, feel no need to criticize or even learn about the plans Obama is proposing. While it is good to have faith in one’s president, it is not good to put your political brain on autopilot.

Staying informed was “in style” during the election. It seems it has now become a low priority. That is not the kind of change Obama had in mind.
