

The following is from Tuesday’s meeting of the Laguna Beach Unified School District Board of Education.


Students announce 75th anniversary events

Chelsea Cooper, a Laguna Beach High School senior, updated everyone on the upcoming Homecoming activities, which will include events to celebrate the high school’s 75th anniversary.

This year’s homecoming theme is “Movies Throughout the Decade.” College workshops for both seniors and their parents are available and ongoing. There are 317 students participating in athletics this year, and the cheerleading squad has an additional 20 cheerleaders.



Faculty Assn. adds names to Wall of Honor

Walt Hamera, LaBUFA president, reported that Walt Lawson, former high school counselor, is updating the Wall of Honor with certificated past staff members who served in the military.


District finances ‘solid’ despite state budget delay

Norma Shelton, assistant supt. of business services, reported that although the state budget had not passed until Tuesday, the district is in solid financial shape and investments are secure and stable.

In its quarterly financial investment report, the district reported that, as of June 30, it had the following deposits:

?$22,108,406 at the Orange County Treasury ($11,292,803 general fund; $11,750 adult education; $57,843 cafeteria fund; $289,303 deferred maintenance fund; $9,340,501 in two special reserve funds; $16,970 general obligation bond series 2003; and $1,099,236 in a capital facilities fund);

?$454,152 at Wells Fargo Bank ($40,643 district revolving cash account; $332,123 general fund clearing account; $2,685 cafeteria fund clearing account; $78,666 high school CD account; and $35 in Top of the World Elementary student body account);

?$121,895 at Citizens Business Bank ($72,412 high school student body account; $49,483 Thurston student body account);

?$256 at Bank of America (El Morro student body account); and

?$8,993 at U.S. Bank (Community Facilities District No. 98-1”” Crystal Cove “” Bond administration fund).


Technology Repair and Replacement program

Supt. Robert Fraisse explained the importance of a planning process to sustain all technology investments. The district is working on such a multiyear technology sustainability plan, which will be presented to the board at a future meeting. This strategy is designed to insure any investment of resources in the area of technology will have a pre-planned and fully funded replacement component.


Spanish language sections added

Nancy Hubbell, assistant superintendent of instructional services, reported that the El Morro and Top of the World elementary schools after-school Spanish program popularity has resulted in another section being added.

After-school programs at both elementary schools are well-received; about 175 students are enrolled in all of the programs at each of the schools.
