
SOUNDING OFF: 9/11 is now known as Patriot Day

The American Legion and VFW honored their firefighters and police comrades and fellow citizens on Patriot Day, Sept. 11, by posting United States flags around town and holding a memorial remembrance service on the lawn of the American Legion Post. This relatively new national holiday, Patriot Day, was established to remind us of the terrible sneak attack on the Twin Towers in New York, the attack on the Pentagon, and our aircraft by Muslim terrorists, and to remember the thousands of innocent Americans who died in those catastrophes, and to honor the firefighters and police who strove to save them, especially those heroes who were killed or injured in their valiant efforts.

Many other Legion Posts throughout Orange County and the nation also held similar services of remembrance just as is done in remembrance of Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. It is important to remember these events to remind us that we must be ever vigilant in protecting our country from enemies both within and outside our borders lest we lose our freedoms and country to others who may be more dedicated to achieving their goals then we are to ours.

The remembrance was opened by Legion Commander Dave Connell followed by a special prayer offered by Post Chaplain Frank Visca. VFW Commander Bill Kremer led the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the singing of our National Anthem, led by Madeleine Visca. Fire Capt. Api Weinert gave a brief presentation followed by Police Capt. Paul Workman.


Legionnaire and Exchange Club member Louise Buckley presented Legionnaire Hal Werthe a plaque honoring both his long service to the American Legion and the Exchange Club. A flag folding ceremony was then conducted by veterans from the American Legion and VFW. Many attendees had never seen this procedure and heard the patriotic words that go with each fold of our flag. Though the words are not officially part of the Flag Code, they are now used across the nation to give special meaning to our national heritage.

Our special guests were Fire Chief Mike Macey, firefighters Knox Tiernan, Tyler Swetz, Alex Pacheco and police Sgt. Jason Kravetz. In addition, we had the family of a new Legionnaire, former Marine Bryan Dobis, attend the ceremony. They were visiting to attend a family event.

The Post plans on holding some similar patriotic event every Patriot Day and putting up the flags around town as we do on all patriotic holidays. We want to give special thanks to Legion Auxiliary member Sande St. John, who organized this event.

Of course, thanks go to all who participated and all who attended.

DAVE CONNELL is Commander of the Laguna Beach American Legion and BILL KREMER is Commander of the Laguna Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars.
