

The following is from the Sept. 2 Laguna Beach City Council meeting.


Restored bus service sought

During public comment, Kathryn Doe said cutbacks in the bus service through South Laguna had created problems for seniors, who rely on the city transportation system.

Cutbacks helped fund the very successful summer shuttle service. However, South Laguna residents suffered, according to Mayor Pro Tem Cheryl Kinsman, and she wants the former schedule restored.

Councilman Kelly Boyd said locals have responded positively to the free shuttles and would like to see the service continued on weekends in the winter.



Pearson clarifies position on water

Councilwoman Elizabeth Pearson wanted the record to show that she resigned from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board so she could support the city’s position on the Aliso Creek restoration project, not the Athens Group redevelopment project at Aliso Creek.


Firefighter credit cards replace reimbursement

The council approved city participation in the state’s credit card program. The program allows the city to issue credit cards to specific fire department employees for expenses incurred when responding to calls for mutual aid, such as the recent fires in Northern California.

The previous procedure required the fire department staff to pay for fuel, food and other necessities and request reimbursement.



Cards will be issued to Division Chiefs Tom Christopher, Kris Head and Jeff LaTendresse and Fire Chief Mike Macey.

Cards may be used only when responding to a mutual aid request and are limited to $1,000 per transaction, $5,000 maximum in a 30-day period and $5,000 per vendor per year.


Wendt Terrace speed hump, 5-0

After some public comment, the council unanimously approved the installation of a speed hump in the vicinity of 683 and 688 Wendt Terrace, as recommended by the Parking, Traffic and Circulation Committee

Bruce Hopping requested the item be pulled from the consent calendar.

Wendt Terrace residents, concerned about speeding on the street, requested the hump, which was unanimously recommended by the PTC, according to city documents. The committee reported only two humps presently on the street.


Short-term lodging denied, 5-0

The property owner of 31185 Brooks St. wanted city permission to rent a four-bedroom home to up to 12 people on a weekly basis from May through the end of September. The application was denied by Community Development Director John Montgomery, based on oral and written protests in opposition to the proposal.

The applicant appealed the decision.



No short-term rentals will be permitted at that address.


Beach stairs approved, 5-0

The council overturned the Design Review Board and approved replacement of a beach stairway by a property owner on Marine Drive.

The stairs had been rebuilt in 2002, after a building permit was granted to repair the stairway. Because the owner removed the stairs and installed caissons, he was directed to obtain a variance, which was denied in 2002.

No further action was taken until code enforcement reopened the issue in January.

The applicant reapplied for the variance and was denied on a 3-2 vote.

On appeal, the council found that the stairway was constructed within the same footprint as the original, resolved safety issues and represented a right enjoyed by others.



The stairway is deemed permitted six years after it was built.

“” compiled by Barbara Diamond
