
SAVE the BOOM!!!

Fred Karger

Memorial Weekend a Sell Out in Laguna Beach

Beach, Club Bounce and Parties Galore

Laguna Beach, CA – Despite weather forecasts of doom and gloom, the sun shined bright last weekend in Laguna. The town was packed with visitors from all over California and the world. There were lots of house parties and Club Bounce (1460 S. Coast Hwy. across from the old Boom 949-494-0056) was at capacity every night. Mike Boone, Shaun Rosendahl, Chad Hudson, Jack Corwin and Jordan Kyle and several others had big parties over the 3 day weekend. Go to our blog and see lots of photos from the weekend: You’ll see Men of Laguna Beach 2008 Calendar Models, including Cover Model Caleb, March Michael and the current month, Ryan June.

Laguna Muse

Plans are underway for lots of activities during the summer of ’08. For up to the minute news and information (and more great photos) go to Laguna Beach resident, Glen Kasper’s newsletter on line: Check it out early and often. Thank you Glen and team for putting this incredible newsletter together and for all the activities and events that you are planning this summer.

Going, Going Gone!

The for sale signs (2) are still up and there are reports that interested buyers are looking at the Coast Inn and the Boom Boom Room. The real estate market has slowed down and commercial lenders tell us that financing is more difficult than it was a year a go when Mr. Udvar-Hazy first put the property up for sale. So make him an offer, buy the building, remodel it and get ready for a grand reopening. The New Boom could be the finest gay resort destination in the world. Ocean front in magnificent Laguna Beach.


Operation Post Card a Success

Our main volunteer activity over the last 4 months was to flood Coast Inn and Boom Boom Room owner, Steven Udvar-Hazy’s Century City office with hundreds of yellow SAVE the BOOM!!! post cards. The cards asked him to drastically lower his asking price or consider donating the building to the gay community. We sent him at least 1500 post cards! Thanks to all who participated in this grass roots effort. Mr. Udvar-Hazy did his first sit down interview with a reporter on this subject, and there has been discussions with his representatives re bringing back the historic Boom Boom Room as a gay bar and hotel like it had been for 61 years until it closed last September.

Apollo Theater

I recently had the privilege of visiting and touring the historic Apollo Theater in Harlem while in New York. It had fallen on hard times and was about to close. It was saved, restored and this beautiful theater reopened for all to enjoy. They are currently undertaking a $95 million capital campaign to expand and further renovate this property. We will have more to report on this in the near future. By the way there are three bars (one on each floor) in the Apollo.

That’s our News Update. Thank you for your continued support and help as we work to SAVE the BOOM – Forever!!!

Best regards,

Fred Karger

