

What did you think of Orange County GOP Chairman Scott Baugh’s decision to cut his ties with Newport Beach drug and alcohol rehabilitation home operators?


I appreciate his decision. Our local government is non-partisan, and we don’t need party politics to guide us.

Don Webb

District 3 Councilman


Lesson: If you’re a Republican politico in a Republican community, don’t aggravate a significant portion of the residents.


As to Mr. Baugh’s comments that he was just trying to facilitate an agreeable solution, with whom was he making this effort? I don’t remember him at any council meetings, and as far as I know he didn’t approach the Council’s Ad Hoc Committee on Group Homes subcommittee.

Nancy Gardner

District 6 Councilwoman


It was an appropriate move on his part.

Ed Selich



Did not respond.

Michael F. Henn

District 1 Councilman

Did not respond.

Steve Rosansky

District 2 Councilman

Did not respond.

Leslie Daigle

District 4 Councilwoman

Did not respond.

Keith Curry

District 7 Councilman
