

Gardeners tend to be more “green” than most. I don’t mean their color, but their attitude about environmental protection, eco-friendly practices and protecting our natural resources.

With the holiday shopping season here, I thought I would offer some innovative gift ideas for today’s earth-friendly gardener. If you are that person, I suggest you tear this column out, circle a couple of your favorites and leave it in a conspicuous location where your mate just might accidentally notice it.

Rain Barrel. Conserving water is one of the most critical issues and rain barrels really do work. I have two, each holding about 55 gallons. The best barrel is offered by Aquabarrel ( Be sure to order the downspout diverter as well. They cost $100 to $200 with shipping and parts.


Blue Planet Composter. Rich, homemade garden compost is at the center of any eco-friendly gardener’s needs. Gardeners never have enough of the brown stuff, and more people are finding that a compost bin is as essential as a shovel and a pair of pruners. There are dozens of brands, but the innovative and efficient Blue Planet Composter makes a memorable gift and costs about $350.

Organic Gardening Magazine. First published 62 years ago, it’s still the best source of organic gardening information. Gift subscriptions can be ordered online at For $24, a two-year subscription includes 12 issues and a free organic gardening calendar. What a deal.

California Native Plant Society. If your gardening friends enjoy nature and want to learn more about California’s diverse plants, a $45 gift membership in The California Native Plant Society ( would be appropriate. They will receive statewide and chapter journals and bulletins about our native flora. If their address is in Orange County, they will also be notified of local meetings, native plant sales and other educational activities.

“Plants and Landscapes for Summer Dry Climates.” Although written with the San Francisco area in mind, this is the best book about gardening in California’s Mediterranean climate. It features plant discussions, irrigation strategies, run-off issues and information for the progressive California gardener. Saxon Holt’s photos are especially good. It’s available at for about $35.

Worm Composter. Vermicomposting is more popular than ever. While regular compost bins return outdoor waste back into the garden, worm bins do the same for your kitchen waste. A small, attractive, odorless unit sits quietly in the corner of the patio, garage or garden, while worms turn much of our kitchen waste into rich garden nutrients. Selected garden centers offer Can-O-Worms composters for about $140.

SMART Irrigation Controller. Water is always on a gardener’s mind, but especially this year. Conserving water, while still having a colorful, beautiful garden is important to today’s earth-friendly gardener. SMART timers work a bit like the automated thermostat on your furnace, operating only when necessary. SMART timers monitor the weather and know when to water based upon a plant’s needs, not a brainless timer. They’re the future of irrigation and would make a great gift for an avid gardener. The best of the bunch is the very popular WeatherTRAK ( It costs about $799 with installation and programming, but it pays for itself in about a year or two.


Question: I want to plant my Paperwhite Narcissus to bloom on Christmas day. When do I start them?


Lido Island

Answer: Paperwhites started today, or during the next three or four days, should bloom right on cue for Christmas day.

ASK RON your toughest gardening questions, and the expert nursery staff at Roger’s Gardens will come up with an answer. Please include your name, phone number and city, and limit queries to 30 words or fewer. E-mail [email protected], or write to Plant Talk at Roger’s Gardens, 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road, Corona del Mar, CA 92625.

RON VANDERHOFF is the nursery manager at Roger’s Gardens in Corona del Mar.
