
Cancer survivor ordained as minister

Diane Walcott Watson of Laguna Beach became an ordained minister in Science of Mind on Nov. 2.

Science of Mind is a spiritual practice of recognition of and unification with a divine source, drawing on all the abundance and prosperity in the universe.

Watson is founder of Laguna Beach’s Center for Global Peace and Prosperity.

Seventeen Science of Mind ministers from greater Southern California attended the ordination, emceed by Caroline Reynolds, author of “Spiritual Fitness.”


The ordination culminated five years of effort, including ministry school and practitioner work in giving healing treatments to those in need.

Watson was first introduced to Science of Mind 20 years ago by Terry Cole-Whitaker. Watson became a practitioner and started a prosperity club in the Laguna Beach area.

Eventually, one of the club members asked her to start a church in Laguna Beach to fill the void of a church that used to be here. Even though she was poised to start ministerial school, she took on the challenge and started the Center for Global Peace and Prosperity.

In addition to the Sacred Sunday gatherings and Science of Mind classes, the center also offers nonviolence training for adults and youth based on Martin Luther King’s teachings and Shamanic and New Thought connections.

Watson says that she used Science of Mind principles to successfully undergo radiation treatment for colon cancer.

She continued her responsibilities as the leader of the center while undergoing cancer treatment and believes that her practice and the prayers and thoughts of parishioners healed her of the disease.

“I never experienced any of the regular symptoms of the aggressive radiation and chemotherapy I received. No hair loss, no nausea, just being tired,” Watson said. “I never associated myself with being a cancer victim or being a cancer patient. I just saw myself well and continue to see myself well.”

With the ordination, Watson is now focusing on finding a home for the center. She would like to find a space that can offer the community spiritual support and various events and workshops. It would also be available to the community for rent. Ideally, there would be space for a bookstore and coffee house.

To contact the center, call (949) 632-6989.
