
Community Commentary:Troops need voices of support; veto 924

Last week, I, along with my Republican colleagues, voted against a resolution in the California State Assembly that undermines American troops serving overseas.

The measure, Senate Bill 924, by Sen. Don Perata (D-Oakland), would place a referendum on the February ballot asking voters whether President Bush should immediately end the war in Iraq and begin withdrawing our forces.

I urge Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to veto this misguided bill when it comes across his desk.


As a father of two children who graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy, one of whom is still serving as a fighter pilot, I look forward to the day the war is over. But passing this bill accomplishes nothing. In fact, it can only be seen as a disservice to our troops and their families.

It is essential we see the war in Iraq end in victory. As our soldiers continue to make progress in completing their mission, our job is to give them our support.

Regardless of your feelings on the war in Iraq, showing the brave Californians who are fighting for our freedoms that we believe in them is the least we can do to let them know how grateful we are for their sacrifices. These men and women serve our state and our country courageously, making sacrifices to defend our nation.

Unfortunately, Democrats in the state Legislature are pushing an irresponsible measure that is seeking to divide Californians — all for political gain. Their bill essentially pulls the rug out from under our troops.

By placing this measure on the ballot, the state Legislature is undermining our troops’ mission and their dedication. If this issue were to go to the ballot, it would have absolutely no effect on the direction of our nation’s foreign policy decisions or the war. Those decisions are left to the president and members of Congress.

Instead, Californians would be forced to endure a negative and divisive partisan campaign on the policy behind the war in Iraq. This proposal aims only to score cheap political points and draw more liberal voters to the polls during the presidential primary election.

Our troops believe in their mission. They know they are making great accomplishments in Iraq and they know what’s going on back at home. That’s why it’s so important we come together, as Californians, and reject any attempts to jeopardize their work for the sake of cheap political points.

Our soldiers serving overseas can hear us loud and clear, and this bill will send the wrong message to them about our support of their efforts to spread democracy and freedom. Not only does this legislation fail to stand up for our troops and our allies, it emboldens the efforts of our enemies, sounding out a rallying cry for terrorists. This measure will provide terrorists with a huge propaganda victory that will only weaken our power in the Middle East.

SB 924 denies our troops the gratitude of their country at a time when they surely need it most. I’m disappointed that Democrats are pushing such an irresponsible bill. I will continue to defend the U.S. Armed Forces and its mission in the war on terror. The mission is too important to give our men and women in uniform anything other than our full support.
