
Council contemplates community garden sale

The community garden at Hamilton and Charle streets in Costa Mesa could be on its way out. The City Council on Tuesday will decide whether to negotiate with a developer who wants to buy the 20,260-square-foot parcel.

Red Mountain Retail Group is planning to bring in a Walgreen’s store and build 14 town homes on several properties immediately south of the garden. City Councilman Eric Bever suggested the city parcel could be included in the development and the garden be moved elsewhere, though he hasn’t named other possible garden sites.

City Manager Allan Roeder said Red Mountain officials wrote a letter expressing interest in the garden parcel. The council will discuss whether to start the negotiating process, and whether the sale should be contingent on the developer buying another privately owned lot on the block that is now an auto repair shop.


The value of the garden parcel would have to be determined through an appraisal.

— Alicia Robinson
