
MAILBAG:Parent says thanks to Newport-Mesa teachers

Our youngest daughter graduated from Newport Harbor High School on Thursday and I feel compelled to publicly and profusely thank the education community of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District for the excellent experience our five children have had in the public schools here over the past 22 years.

Each school — from Mariners Elementary to Ensign Intermediate to Newport Harbor High — has provided an environment conducive to learning and curriculum that has prepared our children to succeed in challenging college programs.

We’ve had children at Newport Harbor for the last 15 years, and I’m sad at the thought of closing such a happy era in our family’s life.


Thank you to the dedicated teachers who care about our children and challenge them to do their best. These excellent teachers provide motivation to achieve academically and provide the means by which to do so. So many of them love what they teach and love their students and that has made all the difference.

Thank you to the student government and club advisors who put in so much extra time and the support staff who counsel, keep track of and take care of everyone.

Thank you to all of the coaches, trainers, staff, and weight lifting gurus who helped our kids achieve athletically and who showed that they believed in them. We have memories to enjoy for a lifetime!

This grateful mom wants everyone to know how much I appreciate the quality experience that each of our children — Mandy (1995), M.E. (1997), Billy (2000), Elizabeth (2004) and Laura (2007) — has had growing up in the public schools of Newport Beach.

Many, many thanks.


Require utilities to find green alternatives

Last year was the hottest year on record in the U.S., and the effects of global warming are already showing up in our backyards.

In 2006, the state took a big step forward by adopting AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, but now it’s time for Congress to act.

The good news is that we can reduce global warming pollution nationwide by harnessing America’s vast renewable energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal and biomass power.

Renewable energy development is a win-win solution that will create jobs, save money for consumers, and reduce global warming pollution. In fact, by generating 20% of our electricity from renewable sources by 2020, we can cut global warming pollution to a level equivalent to taking more than 89 million cars off the road.

To put these solutions to work, John Campbell needs to co-sponsor the Federal Renewable Electricity standard (HR 969), legislation that would require that utilities generate 20% of their electricity from clean, renewable sources by 2020.

Coupled with strong limits on global warming pollution, this would be the most effective step we could take to cut global warming pollution within the next 15 years.

Christopher Gianino
