
Week out


D’Agostino moves on

The Student Political Action Committee at Newport Harbor High School, which has made headlines since its inception in 1999, is seeking a new advisor for the coming school year. Phil D’Agostino, who founded the club, has moved on to become assistant principal of Estancia High School.

The committee achieved a number of milestones over the last year, setting a campus record for pints with its blood drive and successfully lobbying the city to establish pedestrian safety signs around the school.

In the past, the club held town meetings to talk about the Newport-Mesa Unified School District’s zero-tolerance policy and the chronic parking problems around Newport Harbor.


At Estancia, D’Agostino replaces Sean Boulton, who is moving out of the district this fall.

“He was everything that made a really great advisor and a really great leader,” said Heidi Schultheis, a former committee officer who now attends Georgetown University. “He could be really demanding of us, but he was really encouraging. As much as he asked a lot of us, he contributed a lot of his own time and effort. That’s just who he is.”

  • Orange Coast College started its fall semester on Monday, with students returning to a campus that underwent heavy renovations over the summer. Under the $370-million Measure C bond, construction crews revamped classrooms in the social science, home economics and music buildings.
  • Among the new features in OCC classrooms this fall are white boards, overhead projectors and adjustable thermostats
