

Classes begin Sept. 7 at Laguna schools

The 2006-07 school year begins for students on Thursday, Sept. 7, at all Laguna Beach Unified School District campuses. Bus schedules are available at the District Office, 550 Blumont St., or by calling (949) 497-7700.

Registration days for upperclassmen at Laguna Beach High School have already occurred. Underclassmen dates are as follows:

  • 9th Grade Orientation: Aug. 28 from 9 to 11 a.m.
  • 10th Grade Confirmation: Aug. 29 from 8:30 to 11 a.m.
  • 9th Grade Confirmation: Aug. 30 from 8:30 to 11 a.m.
  • Talent show at Boys & Girls Clubs

    Nearly 20 youngsters who participated in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Laguna Beach’s summer programs sang, danced and played piano during its first talent show at the Main Clubhouse.


    The JazzMasters band, which offers weekly music workshops for kids at the club, performed a set and provided backup for children’s performances, as well as musical interludes between acts.

    Adam Genesta, 12, performed a rendition of “Hit the Road, Jack,” and Carter Bak, 13, sang and danced as an Elvis impersonator.

    Laguna College holds vacation raffle

    The Laguna College of Art & Design is holding a raffle to win a vacation to Florence, Italy.

    The trip includes round-trip business class airfare for two to Florence, and five days and six nights at the Grand Hotel Villa Cora.

    The tickets are $100 each, and are available at the college, 2222 Laguna Canyon Road, or by calling (949) 376-6000, ext. 241; only 500 tickets will be sold, now through Oct. 4.

    The winner will be announced at the college’s 45th anniversary celebration at seven-degrees on Oct. 4.

    ESL classes offered by school district

    The Laguna Beach Unified School District will offer free adult education courses in English as a Second Language beginning Sept. 11.

    The classes will run through June 22, and will be taught Mondays through Thursdays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. in room 90, across the street from Laguna Beach High School, 625 Park Ave.

    To register or for more information, call (949) 497-7700, ext. 210.

    Aliso Viejo grants funds to clubs

    The city of Aliso Viejo has granted $20,000 in support of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Laguna Beach’s Aliso Viejo After-School Transportation Program.

    The clubs have provided after-school bus service for the past decade to elementary and middle-school students in Aliso Viejo so they may use the facilities and participate in more than 30 programs and activities at the main clubhouse on Laguna Canyon Road.

    The $135 annual membership fee is the same for both Aliso Viejo and Laguna Beach residents.

    Girl Scout troops, volunteers honored

    The 22 Girl Scout troops in Laguna Beach honored special troops and leaders at a recent annual awards ceremony.

    Troop Honor Awards went to Troops 594, 610, 789, 948, 1822, 2295, 2311 and 2324 for supporting the Service Unit.

    Daisy Troop 714, Brownie Troop 1822, Junior Troops 610 and 2295, and Teen Troop 283 were honored with Community Service Awards for donating the most service hours.

    Volunteers Mary Jo Mancuso and Susie Russell received Outstanding Service Awards, and Diana Cimino, Erin Slattery and Ericka Waidley were presented with Outstanding Leader Awards.

    The Gold Key Award was given to Lisa Doyle and Katie Slattery for their efforts in the community.

    The Orange Owl Award was presented to Stephanie Andrews, Sheri Donavan and Marilyn Romano for outstanding service to Girl Scouting.

    Special recognition was paid to Doug Andrews, Denise Cassidenti, Laurel Dial, Nancy Epstein, Sue Haw, Loretta Martin, Betty Prottas, Claudia Redfern, Laura Wellsfry and Ginny Villa.

    For more information on Girl Scouting and volunteer opportunities, contact Stephanie Andrews at (949) 454-2913 or email [email protected].

    New faculty, staff at Laguna College

    Sandy Appleoff will begin teaching illustration at the Laguna College of Art & Design on Monday, in addition to graphic design teacher Matt Frantz.

    Also joining the ranks of full-time faculty is Grant Hier, who has been at the college on an adjunct basis since 1998 and has created an English Writing and Creative Reasoning program tailored to art students.
