
MAILBAG - Aug. 6, 2006

Longtime resident sees no need for Return

I am writing in response to the article on the Return to Reason group in the July 3 edition of your newspaper.

I am a longtime resident of Costa Mesa. I moved here in 1958, so I have seen many changes in the city, some good and some bad, with lots of growth and improvement. I remember when the Westside was considered a good place to live ? sorry to say, not so much anymore. I am deeply concerned with the way this city is heading with the illegal immigration problem. I am confused how it is causing such a flap to have the police ask about the status of a person caught breaking the law. I know I would have no problem answering the questions of a police officer when asked.

I feel that being a citizen, born and raised in this great country, I have become a second-class citizen in my own city and country. Our local, state and federal politicians are afraid to call a spade a spade and talk about the problem. I will not vote for anyone who does not address the issues concerning this problem and this city.


I am getting so tired of hearing the old argument that it is a federal problem. I agree with that, but the feds are doing nothing. Therefore, it falls on my elected city officials to do what is right, and that is to enforce the standing laws. All the laws! Not just the ones that they feel safe to talk about and to enforce.

I know that if a bank were being robbed within the city of Costa Mesa, the police would try to catch the bank robbers. Even though this is a federal crime they would not say, “This is a federal crime so let the feds catch the guys.” So I hope that our Police Department and our elected city officials do not drop the ball on this and do the right thing. That would be to enforce all the laws, not just the ones that are easy.

I feel betrayed by our past elected officials who are backing the Return to Reason group. The past mayors of the city and the former police chief, who if I understand it, lives in Newport Beach and is the police chief of Beverly Hills, are backing the committee. Steven Dzida, who I have never heard of, made a ridiculous statement in the paper when he cited “as bad city government is the proposal to have city police trained in immigration enforcement.” Who better to catch law-breakers than the police? What are the world and our city coming to?

I would like to hear some ideas from this committee on what direction they would take this city. I hope it is not in over-building, like the 890 units out by South Coast Plaza or Triangle Square or the condo units being built behind the church on 19th Street and Newport Boulevard. I would like to have more open space than buildings. And until they do something about the damage to the existing infrastructure, sewers, traffic and the other problems that go along with high-density development, I will back the existing three members on the council now.


Costa Mesa

City hall site just isn’t the best spot for new building

The hard and soft facts ought to decide the Newport Beach city hall issue. We have all hashed them over. Here is my list as to the “why” based on logic (I am not in construction, real estate, city business or retail in any way).

1. Earthquake and tsunami possibilities are real and could damage the access to the existing City Hall, even if the buildings remained relatively usable, meaning that City Hall is more easily knocked out of use during a disaster when we need it most. If it happened that we lost the use of the buildings temporarily or permanently, the residents and city management would then have a monumental job of distributing city functions into rented dispersed locations at major costs to the people.

2. Rebuilding at the existing site on the far northwest end of the city means more traffic on West Coast Highway, with less major road access, than being next to MacArthur Boulevard, where access to freeways and major office and industrial sections of the city is far better. Rebuilding will have higher costs for construction due to cramped access. Summer construction will be difficult for businesses, residents and any City Hall functions.

3. Rebuilding at the existing City Hall means disruption to other businesses and the functions of the existing City Hall for a couple of years, and some businesses may even fail because of all the disruption, not to mention the reduced efficiency of city functions. And that means higher city costs and lower business revenues.

4. Leasing income from or sale of the existing City Hall land would be a major help to the city and also allow a major improvement in the commercial uses in the Lido Village area, including a parking structure to enhance the usability for customers and residents, which might contribute significant revenue. Thus the existing Lido site might give a major income boost to the city of Newport Beach.

5. Employee and user access to City Hall would be much easier in high traffic summer months at Newport Center, meaning more efficient City Hall work.

In a nutshell: The existing City Hall site is a cramped, expensive, has limited access and higher risk than Newport Center.


Balboa Island

Please, let’s not have another Mormon church debate

This sounds like a case of “not in my backyard” for the people who live near Newport Beach City Hall.

The medical center at Fashion Island, Fashion Island itself, the Central Library and the theaters are wonderful resources. Right now, the traffic is terrible, it is always backed up. It is very inconvenient for those of us who need to get to these places.

When there was so much vacant land in front of Fashion Island, why didn’t they think of moving City Hall there?

Better yet, it looks like several of the buildings are vacant. Why not buy or lease one of them?

What we absolutely do not need is a concrete city, which that area has fast become. No building is as beautiful as a cool green area for a park.

I have lived here 35 years and have never found the need to go to City Hall. Is this going to be a hot button like the building of the Mormon church was? No thank you. Residents must vote on this.


Newport Beach

Orange County needs and values KOCE-TV

This is a reply to Steve Smith’s column of July 22.

Smith should not assume that because neither he nor his acquaintances watch KOCE-TV, no one does. My husband and I do, as do many of our friends and acquaintances. KOCE performs a valuable service for Orange County. It’s the only station focusing on Orange County news. It offers many enriching programs in the arts, in languages (French, for one) that are not available on any basic cable stations.

There are many other television stations, but only one Orange County TV station. Please don’t presume to speak for the many Orange County residents who love KOCE as it is.


Newport Beach
