


* Flower and Plant Information Station ? Centennial Farm

* Society Show ? Floral Pavilion

* Pressed Flower Art Demonstrations by the CA Native Plant Society ? Floral Pavilion

* Bill Meusch Exhibit, featuring model of paddle wheel tugboat built in 1856 ? Home Arts Building

* Orange County Classics Rug Hooking Association ? Home Arts Building

* Scale Squadron of Southern California ? Home Arts Building

* Santiago Canyon College Gemology Program/Santa Ana Rock and Mineral Club ? Home Arts Building

* O.C. Rose Society and O.C. Iris and Daylily Club Show, and South Coast Plumeria Society Show ? Flower and Garden Gallery

* Stephen Krikl Exhibit, featuring models of WWII armored vehicles built to scale (with recycled materials) ? Home Arts Building

* Maternity Barn, Egg-Laying Contest, Small Animals, Clydesdale Horse, Oxen and Pygmy Goats on display ? Livestock Area

* Flower Arranging Demonstrations ? The Flower Shop (Blue Gate)

* Art Demonstrations ? Visual Arts Building

* Crafts ? Youth in Motion Building

* Discover the Fair ? Youth in Motion Building

* Prehistoric Pets ? Youth in Motion Building

10 A.M.

* Prolific Pottery by Tim Nomer ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* Bubble Fun ? Kids Park Arena

11 A.M.

* Weekend Garden Trips by Tim Nomer ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* Ballet Folklorico Ati Es Mi Tierra ? Heritage Stage

* Super Scarecrow Contest ? Kids Park Arena

11:30 A.M.

* Circus Fun Revue ? Youth Auditions -- Green Gate


* Juggler Greg Bennick ? Celebrations Stage

* Wondrous Cacti Landscaping by Tim Nomer ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* San Soo Street Smarts ? Heritage Stage

* Kid Creation ? Kids Park Arena

* Beatles Tribute Show ? Plaza Arts Stage

* Circus Fun Revue ? Green Gate

1 P.M.

* Arts and Learning Conservatory “Beauty & Beast” ? Celebrations Stage

* Ikebana (Japanese Flower Arranging) by Minako Hayashida and Satsuki Palter ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* The Colony of Performing Arts ? Heritage Stage

* Scale Squadron of Southern California Demonstration ? Home Arts Building

* Magic of Frank Thurston ? Kids Park Arena

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs ? Livestock Area

* Junior Lads and Lassies Competition ? Livestock Arena

* The Pie’s the Limit -- Coco’s Pie Eating Contest (All ages) ? Plaza Arts Stage

1:30 P.M.

* Glassblowing Demonstration ? Crafters Village

* Milking Demonstration ? Centennial Farm -- Millennium Barn

* Story Teller Garden ? Youth in Motion Building

2 P.M.

* San Soo Street Smarts ? Celebrations Stage

* Educational Wine Seminar (until 4 p.m.) ? The Courtyard

* Summer Care for Your Roses by Carolyn Elgar ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* Divine Talents ? Heritage Stage

* Demonstration by ABC Cake Decorating Shoppe & Bakery ? Home Arts Stage

* Bubble Fun ? Kids Park Arena

* Russell Brothers Circus ? Green Gate

2:30 P.M.

* Ceramics Demonstration ? Crafters Village

* Fun with Flowers Contest ? Kids Park Arena

* Oxen Team Presentation ? Livestock Arena

* Folkloristas of California ? Plaza Arts Stage

3 P.M.

* Magic of Frank Thurston ? Celebrations Stage

* Scintillating Spines and Thorns by Tim Nomer ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* Wanda’s Dance Studio ? Heritage Stage

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs ? Livestock Area

* Mapapa African Acrobats ? Fair Square

3:30 P.M.

* Glassblowing Demonstration ? Crafters Village

* Milking Demonstration ? Centennial Farm -- Millennium Barn

* Orange County Classics Traditional Rug Hooking ? Home Arts Stage

* Story Teller Garden ? Youth in Motion Building

4 P.M.

* Arts and Learning Conservatory “Beauty & Beast” ? Celebrations Stage

* Rare and Unusual Flowers from Around the World by Tim Nomer ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* Beatles Tribute Show ? Heritage Stage

* Peking Acrobats ? Kids Park Arena

* Seeing Seeds Contest (All ages) ? Plaza Arts Stage

4:30 P.M.

* Treats by Tina Davidson ? Home Arts Stage

* Ceramics Demonstration ? Crafters Village

* Russell Brothers Circus ? Green Gate

5 P.M.

* AGA-BOOM! ? AGA-BOOM Theater

* Magic of Frank Thurston ? Celebrations Stage

* Nature of 9,000 Feet by Tim Nomer ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* Dancers in Motion ? Heritage Stage

* Juggler Greg Bennick ? Kids Park Arena

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs ? Livestock Area

* Master Showmanship Judging ? Livestock Arena

* Mapapa African Acrobats ? Fair Square

5:30 P.M.

* Circus Fun Revue ? Youth Auditions -- Green Gate

* Milking Demonstration ? Centennial Farm -- Millennium Barn

6 P.M.

* Lloyd Maybrey (until 10 p.m.) ? Courtyard Stage

* Shop of Horrors: Carnivorous Plants by Tim Nomer ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* Beatles Tribute Show ? Heritage Stage

* Santiago Canyon College Gemology Program Demonstration by Lothar Vallot ? Home Arts Stage

* Magic of Frank Thurston ? Kids Park Arena

* Peking Acrobats ? Plaza Arts Stage

* Circus Fun Revue ? Green Gate

6:30 P.M.

* Glassblowing Demonstration ? Crafters Village

7 P.M.

* Hands-on Orchid Potting Workshop ? Flower Power Stage (Silo Building)

* O.C. Fair Reggae Fest -- Shaggy/Pato Banton/The Wailing Souls ? Additional admission required ? Pacific Amphitheatre

* Carol Martini (Vocalist/Guitar) ? Home Arts Stage

* Kid Creation ? Kids Park Arena

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs ? Livestock Area

* Market Awards Ceremony ? Livestock Arena

* Mapapa African Acrobats ? Plaza Arts Stage

* Youth Karaoke ? Youth in Motion Building

7:15 P.M.

* AGA-BOOM! ? AGA-BOOM Theater

7:30 P.M.

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik ? Heritage Stage

* Mystery Contest ? Kids Park Arena

* Russell Brothers Circus ? Green Gate

* Ceramics Demonstration ? Crafters Village

* Milking Demonstration ? Centennial Farm - Millennium Barn

8 P.M.

* Mariachi Sol de Mexico de Jose Hernandez ? Seating is limited, so arrive early -- Washington Mutual Arena

* Terry Hanck Blues Band (8 to 11 p.m.) ? Baja Blues Restaurant

* Carol Martini (Vocalist/Guitar) ? Home Arts Stage

* Peking Acrobats ? Plaza Arts Stage

8:30 P.M.

* Guitano-Latin Jazz ? Heritage Stage

9 P.M.

* All-Alaskan Racing Pigs ? Livestock Area

* Mapapa African Acrobats ? Plaza Arts Stage

* Russell Brothers Circus ? Green Gate

9:30 P.M.

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik ? Heritage Stage

* AGA-BOOM! ? AGA-BOOM Theater

10 P.M.

* Peking Acrobats ? Plaza Arts Stage

10:30 P.M.

* Guitano-Latin Jazz ? Heritage Stagedpt.15-fair-calendar-CPhotoInfoHJ1SVUK420060716j2f2s5ncCredit: DAILY PILOT Caption: (LA) Fairgoers enjoy a plunge down the Hydro Slide at last year’s fair.
