
SOUNDING OFF:Give theater groups their space

Barbara Diamond has already corrected the one inaccuracy in her otherwise excellent report on No Square Theatre’s impending homelessness (“Is there no where for No Square?,” June 30).

Like most of our town’s community arts groups, No Square is the grateful recipient of business improvement district funds as well as community assistance grants.

Although our business improvement district grants are small in comparison to the primary grant recipients like the Laguna Art Museum, the visitors’ bureau, Laguna Playhouse and the arts college, they have a big impact on our ability to contribute to the vibrant local arts scene that makes Laguna such a neat place to live, work and visit.


Diamond got the big story right: There is now one less place in town where local performing arts groups can rehearse.

The list was short to begin with, and the list of performance spaces is shorter still.

There is exactly one first-class theater space in town that makes room for performing arts groups like No Square, CaDance, the Community Band, Gallim- aufry and Laguna Beach Live! It’s the Artists’ Theatre.

Although renting out the Artists’ Theatre produces a goodly chunk of annual revenue, I suspect the administration, teachers and parents would happily go without these funds in order to maximize the space’s availability for students.

We hope they believe, as we do, that the diversity of those performing at the Artists’ Theatre (which include many who got their love of performing at Laguna Beach High School) benefits everyone, students included.

Thankfully, they also recognize how devastating it would be if groups like No Square did not have access to the Artists’ Theatre.

No Square has decided to recognize that community spirit by making the Artists’ Theatre a beneficiary of this year’s Lagunatics.

“Alien Invasions” will have four performances at the Artists’ Theatre from Sept. 8 through 10.

Our goal is to raise $20,000 to $30,000 for a new or lightly used 16-foot stake-bed truck ? a practical addition to the theater that will benefit every performance in this singular space.

To our town’s leaders: Please help groups like No Square find a long-term solution to our rehearsal and performance space needs.

To everyone involved with the Artists’ Theatre who has danced the often tricky dance of serving our kids while still making room for local performing arts groups:

Thank you. And keep on truckin’.
