
Local crime rates drop

But assault, burglary, car theft rates rise.Crime in Huntington Beach declined in most categories in the first half of this year compared to the same period of 2004, although the number of assaults, burglaries and car thefts rose, according to statistics released Monday.

The statistics were compiled by the state attorney general’s office for the period of January through June, as reported by police agencies of cities of more than 100,000 residents. Statewide statistics reflected an overall decrease of 1.8% in violent crimes and an increase of 2.9% in property crimes, the report showed.

Violent crimes -- murder, rape, robbery and assault -- increased overall by 3.2% in Huntington Beach this year, from 217 to 224. Of those, however, only the number of assaults increased, from 135 to 168.


Property crime in the city dipped from 1,149 to 1,148 this year for a decrease of 0.1%. Property crimes include burglary, car theft, larceny theft and arson. Of those, only the number of burglaries and vehicle thefts increased.
