
Parisi named to state post

City treasurer is appointed legislative chair for statewide body, responsible for tracking bills.City Treasurer Laura Parisi has been appointed as the legislative chair for the California Municipal Treasurers Assn. She will be responsible for tracking legislation that pertains to the association’s functions.

She is also automatically appointed to the revenue and taxation committee of the League of California Cities.

She will be responsible for presentations at association board meetings and other events throughout the state.


Parisi has served as treasurer for about six years, having been appointed once and elected twice.

She has been active in the California Municipal Treasurers’ Assn. since taking office, and with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants since beginning her career.

Her first job as a CPA was with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Chicago. Later, she moved to the private sector with American Hospital Supply Corporation of Evanston, Ill.

She was recruited to California and after a couple of years hired as a senior analyst in the restaurant division of W.R. Grace. After a year she was promoted to vice president and chief financial officer of GRS Restaurant Services.

“I sought the city treasurer role for Laguna Beach to better combine the demands of my family with career,” Parisi said.

Parisi has degrees from Illinois State University in accounting and business administration. She became a Certified California Municipal Treasurer last year.20051111ippvgpkn(LA)Laura Parisi
