
o7Here are some items the board will...

o7Here are some items the board will consider at tonight’s meeting:



The school board will vote to establish two committees regarding

Measure F, the $282-million bond measure. The first, required by

state law, is a citizens’ oversight committee to review the

district’s plans for spending the bond money. The committee will

consist of 31 members -- far more than the state requirement of seven

-- hailing from different locations and community groups.

Newport-Mesa currently has another citizens’ oversight committee for

Measure A, but board members have said there will probably be little

overlap between the two.

The second proposal on tonight’s agenda is for an equity advisory

committee, which will ensure that all areas of the district receive

an equal share of the Measure F projects and that the district

fulfills its promise of not increasing the tax rate. The facility

advisory committee, a now-defunct group that crafted the plan for

Measure F, recommended forming the equity committee last spring. The

committee will consist of 17 members, including one chairperson and

four representatives from each high school zone.

Members of both new committees will be elected by parent support

organizations from each school site.


Since the methods are largely similar to those the district

employed under Measure A, there should be little dispute within the

board. Measure F will be on the special election ballot Nov. 8.


At a special ceremony at 6 p.m., the district will present its

quarterly PRIDE (proudly recognizing individuals demonstrating

excellence) awards to 20 Newport-Mesa employees: Sharon Ball, Ann

Brown, Sue Crawford, Susan Curtin, Anne Dorman, Kathy Dugan, Maritza

Du Lac, Megan Field, Brad Gray, Gail Hunt, Keira Kirby, Deidre

Kushner, Neil Malkus, Bev McKeehan, Charlene Metoyer, Lori

Redelsheimer, Susan Stokes, Janet Sugiyama, Diane Tagami and Annie



* WHAT: Newport-Mesa Unified School District board meeting

* WHEN: Awards ceremony at 6 p.m., regular meeting at 7 p.m. today

* WHERE: District Education Center, 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa

* INFO: Call (714) 424-5000 or visit

