
Writer buys into talking points In a...

Writer buys into talking points

In a letter to the editor on Saturday (“Let’s not forget,”

Mailbag) Stella Klinger offers an addition to a Burbank Leader story

regarding Cindy Sheehan (“Honoring a mother’s son,” Aug. 20). Klinger

recites a number of Republican talking points regarding the subject.

Unfortunately, most of them are wrong.

The Bush administration attempts to dissuade criticism by branding

all opposition as either hypocrites or traitors by their comments or

their associations. f7and Michael Moore are critics of

the Bush administration, so they have been labeled as haters of

America and opposed to our troops, even though these phrases have

never been stated. If the administration can discredit their critics

then fewer people will believe them. Klinger, it seems, has fallen

for this ploy.

The latest trick is to claim that Sheehan has stated that America

is not worth dying for. Actually, she stated that “Iraq” was not

worth dying for. This falsehood helps convince those like Klinger

that the administration is making the correct decisions regarding the

direction of this country. Regarding her claim that no one has even

“tried” to stop Cindy Sheehan from protesting, is also inaccurate.

One Crawford resident discharged a shotgun, near the protesters,

claiming he was shooting at birds. Another person drove his truck

through the encampment, destroying miniature crosses and flags.

Klinger cites terrorist acts in Lebanon, New York in 1993 and the

attack on the USS Cole as proof that insurgents existed prior to the

current Iraq war. Forms of terrorism have existed for centuries, the

point is, since our invasion of Iraq, the country has become a

breeding ground for thousands of terrorists, increasing their

numbers, not reducing them.

Cindy Sheehan has previously met with President Bush. Since that

meeting, other information has surfaced that makes the president’s

changing rationale for war and previous statements suspect, as per

the Downing Street memos. This president speaks before audiences that

are pre-selected to offer him only praise. It would be interesting if

he faced someone who actually had some difficult questions.



Some issue with a writer’s comment

Regarding “Let’s not forget,” (Mailbag) Saturday, we all know

President Bush met with Cindy Sheehan and other military families to

express his condolence shortly after their loss. They did not praise

his compassion, they accepted it at the time as well as many

condolence received from family and friends.

Not until a loss of a child can one understand the many phases of

emotions one will experience. There is denial, shock, grief, anger

and finally reality. Sheehan was not represented by anyone when she

initially took it upon herself to protest this unjust war. And

calling the people who now stand behind her the “hate America crowd”

and then saying “democracy will be lost” is a very hypocritical

statement. While our president has changed his reason for being in

Iraq -- to bring them democracy -- we are indeed losing it here, when

we have the likes Klinger, who point patriotic fingers at those who

disagree with the president and call them unpatriotic. They wave the

flag for democracy and freedom and yet want to silence those who

disagree with their opinions and beliefs.

To quote a Republican, president Theodore Roosevelt, “To announce

that there must be no criticism of the president or that we are to

stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and

servile, but is morally treasonable to the American people.” Read

this over and over and hopefully the meaning of democracy will sink



Simi Valley
