
Chargers clobber Yorba Linda

The Huntington Beach Mighty Mite Division Chargers of Huntington

Beach Pop Warner Football tuned up for Saturday’s season opener by

rolling past host Yorba Linda in its first scrimmage of the season,


“Our offensive linemen and defense did a great job,” Chargers

coach Rick Hernandez said.

The Chargers were led on offense by quarterbacks Robert Rice and

Daylan Harameyer, each of whom scored two touchdowns.

Running back Steve Hernandez also reached the end zone.

Huntington Beach had one final test before the start of the

regular season, taking on Garden Grove Wednesday.

Huntington Beach Pop Warner launches its season Saturday with a

7:30 a.m. pancake breakfast. Opening day games will follow and run

from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
